Thursday, June 14, 2018

TMI #2

Summer School Hiatus

Yes, I’ve been away a couple of weeks.  I’ve still been keeping up with what’s going on in the motorsports world.  Of course, it’s our everyday life but on occasion, those Mom responsibilities take precedent.  Summer seems to have slipped up on us and it got busy, really fast, especially with 3 kids.  Well, 2 and a half really cause the eldest is basically self-sufficient except for the use of my wallet.

Most kids don’t enjoy summer school and our middle girl is not different.  She had to go through course “recovery” to get a credit needed for graduation.  Proud to say she banged that work out in 3 weeks and it is officially summer at our house as of yesterday.

Getting to that point required a 3 week visit from Grandma to help with the logistics and transportation.  During this same time, Boo, the bonus kid has been very busy with summer basketball camp and middle school practice bball practice.  Of course all of this is scheduled while I’m working the long but rewarded with Fridays off summer hours.

So it’s been TGIM (Thank God for Mimi) at our house, especially since He (the dragger of the motorsports hauler) has yet to fix the transmission in my suburban.  The kids are beginning to wonder if we will make it to Daytona.  At this point, I am too.
Beginning of the school year...that went by Talladega fast!
We may be soliciting rides in about two weeks.  So anyone heading to the race that week in a big ol homemotor (it’s a Thorpe thing), please swing through Athens and give us a lift.  I say big because my two girls and 1 small dog + Tony’s two girls, myself and luggage is going to take up some space.  But I will bake you a prize.

Hopefully and I say this with fingers and toes crossed, the ride will get fixed during the next off week.  I’m staying strong and refusing to rent a car or even step foot on a car lot.  The temptation is there.  I’ve even looked on the Hendrick Chevy Buford web page.  Alas, they do not have my dream ride on the lot, for which I’m very thankful.  I’m not sure I could handle the temptation right now.

In the midst of all the transportation chaos, Scott will leave sometime today for Iowa.  It’s a Sunday afternoon race, which really jacks up my weekend.  I’m use to planning my Saturday around race time and doing my laundry/meal prep for the week on Sunday afternoon.

And it will definitely get a little sideways on Monday, as I hitch a ride to work and pray Scott gets home from Iowa by the time I get off of work at 5:30.  Did I mention he would be in IOWA???

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