For all of our lofty goals, we still have stuff at home to do. With three small children in school, not only are there plenty of bills to pay, there is always something going on. This year has started off even busier as our eldest, Maddie is playing JV softball. She is in 6th grade, middle school - YIKES!!, Carlee in 4th grade and AnnaBelle is in K5.
Scott drives "our" truck for our trucking company. Right now, he has 2 loads daily and is basically running wide open. Which is a good thing from the financial perspective, maybe not so great with him gone 18 hours a day.
So what does all this have to do with racing? Way more than some folks will ever know. I'm trying to write this and get kids ready for bed. Scott isn't home yet. So we are both extremely busy and we are trying to get this race team up off the ground in between everything else.
With Scott running this hard the bills get paid but he doesn't have a lot of extra time to work on the race cars. Thank God for Zeke. If it weren't for him, we'd really be at a standstill.
As much as we love racing, we love our girls even more. So we have to keep our schedules flexible. Their school activities are a high priority. I guess that's why we like the USAR Pro Cup series. The schedule was originally 16 races, now 14. And the schedule is spread from February to November. It is a competitive and fun series, but allows for time at home with family.
It is a "working man's" series. And right now, there is plenty of work to be done!!
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